Sunday, November 24, 2013

Last Year Stuff (Unposted)

Remember last year when I started "Picture Post Week" and than it never really went from there. It was supposed to be posts (like stories) with art but I kinda just never thought of stuff that mixed with them, so they kinda drifted into just art posts (however somehow these never ever got posted...Until today!)
So without further ado the lost stuff

*Not sure if I posted this one or not?*

Based off of something My oldest sister Rachel did a long time ago (maybe I'll show ya sometime) 

Yeah a long long time ago when I first started writing I wrote this really terribly written story called "The Nurse of the Civil War" I thought I'd rewrite it and post it on my blog "Poetic Meditations" but that never happened.

A random Medieval Girl I drew.

I was really into Ballet growing up and wanted to take lessons so badly but sadly that never happened (people always said I was built more for gymnastics *that didn't happen either thankfully* they never knew how the thought of flipping on a balance beam and the like terrified me!)

Another Story that wasn't to be....
FACT:  This particular piece was a second attempt (because I didn't like how two of the girls turned out!) but I really liked the girl in the middle so I kept her....if you look closely you'll see she isn't quite center with the rest of the blue lines 
 I cut her pretty thoroughly out of the first one and than glued her onto the second drawing 
Also the brown haired girls shoes were cut out and pasted too.

This last one is a bonus, I was going to enter a book cover contests didn't happen because I got lazy and never finished it so here it lays forgotten...until now :)

Sooooo which was your favorite let me know in comments :D


  1. I have a request: could you draw a maiden elf with long hair(black) and wearing black leggings and tunic? And maybe have a bow and arrow with her? That would be great, thanks.

  2. Sure can, thanks for the suggestion, thanks so much :D
